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Our Correction Policies for

Corrections will be made promptly:

If we discover an error in a published article, we will make the necessary corrections as soon as possible. We will also include a correction notice at the top of the article, indicating the correction made and the date it was made.

Corrections will be transparent:

We will be transparent in our correction process, providing an explanation of what was corrected and why, to the best of our ability. We will also maintain a log of all corrections made and make it available to our readers upon request.

Corrections will be acknowledged:

We will acknowledge and address any complaints or feedback regarding errors in our reporting. We encourage readers to report errors they find to us by emailing with the subject line “Correction Request”. We will review all requests and make corrections as necessary.


Corrections will be proportionate:

We will correct factual errors that are material to the story and affect the accuracy of the information presented. We will not make minor or inconsequential changes to an article without a clear explanation of why the change was made.

Corrections will be permanent:

We will ensure that corrections are permanent and remain visible to readers. We will not remove or alter a correction notice after it has been published.
Updates will be identified: We will identify any updates made to an article that is not related to corrections but may affect the story, such as additional information or a change in circumstances.

We are committed to providing our readers with reliable and accurate news reporting. If you have any questions or concerns about our correction policies, please do not hesitate to contact us at